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Travelers Must Self Isolate

We have families who have been on vacation or visiting outside of our province. The Saskatchewan government has the following requirements:

All travelers returning from international destinations - including the Untied States - need to self isolate and monitor health for 14 days upon return. Travelers returning from within Canada are advised to self monitor for 14 days upon return.

Please see further information available to you from our school division on the right side of your screen under Division News.

POSTPONED ... March Conferences... Book your time!

At this time, conferences have been postponed by our Director of Education. At this point, Thursday, March 19 will be a regular school day.


This letter outlines our conferences and how to book your time. Click here.


Please know that there is NO school for students on Thursday all day (Sorry, the note makes it sound like they come in the morning, however, they attend only their conference). Friday is a PD and Staff Meeting for teachers so there is no school for students that day.

Register for Pre-Kindergarten

Children between at least three years as of date of application and four years of age as of December 31, 2020 may apply for Pre-Kindergarten in Regina Public Schools for the 2020-2021 school year.

Our Pre-Kindergarten program is a developmentally appropriate early childhood education program for three- and four-year-old children. Space is limited and children who would benefit most from enhanced programming and meet eligibility criteria, based upon Saskatchewan Ministry of Education guidelines, are prioritized for enrolment.